Saturday, December 5, 2009

Final Reflection

Wow! I guess I am starting this off like everybody else, but I seriously can't believe that the semester has come to an end! It really does feel like we just got here but at the same time, I feel like I have learned so much.
It is actually pretty funny. For awhile I was slightly confused about what it was I was supposed to be learning, but then it hit me. This class was not really about the books and other things that we read. Like Allie Cat said in her reflection, this class is more about learning from other people. We were all able to come into a situation in which we could voice our opinions about so many different thing and also learn from what other people in the class had to say. It was so interesting to see that I have the exact same opinion as many other people in the class about so many different topics. It was also very interesting to hear about situations from the perspective of people who had completely different ideas about things.
Surprisingly enough, Explorations has actually been helpful in my other classes. I can't count the number of Goffman references I have made to people who have no idea what I am talking about. Even though I still have no idea what I am going to do with my life, I feel like this class has been valuable. I've learned that there are a lot of people out there who feel or felt the exact same way as I do. Hearing the guest speakers say over and over again that everything just manages to work out in the end was not exactly pleasant at the time, it is good to know that even incredibly successful people did not always have a plan. I guess overall, the most important thing I've learned is that there is not an exact science to figuring things out in life. They just sort of work out and hopefully, for all of us, in the end, things really will work out.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with the things you have discovered through this class. At first I thought oh this class is going to help me decide on a job, but that was not the purpose. Like you I saw that the purpose was learning from others and taking those experiences and those lessons and applying them to your own life. The Goffman references are a definite plus too!!
