Wednesday, September 16, 2009

9.16.09 4b Forgetting the Past

I'm a huge believer that nurture plays the larger role in the nature versus nurture debate, and as a result I believe that in no way can a person remain unchanged had their past been erased. My identity relies on my past: all the experiences of one's life make a person who they are in the present. Theres millions of factors that decided who I am today. I grew up outside of Philadelphia, was raised by a teacher and a businessman, have an older sister, and a pretty affluent upbringing. Should even one quality of my past be different, so would I today.

That being said, genetics or "nature" certainly does play a role in shaping my character, just not one as important. Genetics shape my appearance, and appearance plays an incredibly large job the creation of experiences. Our DNA also predisposes us for certain illnesses or disabilities, habits and behaviors. Therefore, I'd still be myself in part, but I could never truly be the same.

Nor would I want to be. I don't think I could live without remembering the amazing times of childhood. I'd forget all of the family trips we had: to Alaska, to Hawaii, the Rocky Mountains. I would forget the countless memories at our secluded cabin, the fights with family, friends made, injuries, school, and mistakes. Alzheimer's is one of the most devestating illnesses, and thinking about it now I think it's almost worse for family and friends, rather that the afflicted one. The only thing we can do is continue to live and keep making memories and hope we can keep them forever.

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