Sunday, September 20, 2009

Impostor Complex Reflection

This week we all had the opportunity to listen to Debra Humphreys speak. I found some of what she said confusing. For instance, she spoke about the things that we all need to do to make us more likely to get jobs in the future, but at the same time she was saying she got to where she is in life by luck. Despite this, I did find one thing she mentioned interesting and this was the Impostor Complex. For some reason, this idea stuck with me, and I began to think about how much easier life would be if everyone just admitted that they are not perfect and that a lot of the time, the feel out of place. I know that I an admit pretty easily that I feel out of the place most of the time. Before anyone says that I am being a Debbie Downie, it is not that I feel badly about myself, it has more to do with the fact that I don't really think that I am acting like myself. Life would be so much easier if everyone could just act like they wanted to and not be judged.
This leads me to another point. Whilst watching an episode of the Tyra Banks Show, I found out that there is a fairly large phenomenon of women partaking in do-it-yourself plastic surgery. What type of society do we have if people feel so badly about themselves and feel such a need to conform to social norms that they would risk never being able to sit down comfortably again to have a J.Lo-like bottom end? This might seem like a stretch, but I think if there was a better way for people to admit that they do not feel perfect, and they do not feel like they belong all the time, people would feel so much better about themselves. Like the message on the inside of my Dove Chocolate keeps telling me, I shouldn't feel the need to be perfect, and no one does.

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