Sunday, September 13, 2009

The National Portrait Gallery Reflection

After going to the National Portrait Gallery this week, the question of whether or not I would want a portrait really stuck in my mind. For some reason, my automatic response was no, but I am not really sure why. I guess the deeper question behind this is whether or not I would want to be remembered after I am dead and gone. I don't know why, but the idea of people talking about me and discussing me after my death really bothers me. I don't want random people to look at my picture 100 years from now and think eww that girl was so ugly, she really should have gotten a nose job. It would be so weird for people who don't even know me to look at me and judge me. After letting the question simmer for a little while, I think it would be kind of cool to have my image be remembered by future generations. I personally think it would be pretty awesome if I could some how see what my great great great grandmother looked like, but at the same time, I don't want a hideous picture of myself in display in some museum that middle schoolers are forced to make treks to.
The idea of people who never knew talking about me creeps me out a little bit, but seeing portraits of people, especially from a long time ago was exciting. I especially liked looking at the old photographs because they were almost like proof that people really did exist a long time ago in a similar manner as they do now. This could all change in the future. I might become a crazy tyrannical leader and have paintings of myself plastered all over the place. You never know.

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