Sunday, September 20, 2009

9.20.09 The National Cathedral

The National Cathedral is down right impressive. After touring through England in the spring I was hesitant to believe that anything American could come close to the majestic grandeur that so many English churches and cathedrals possess. The reason? Age. I'm not sure why, but I've always been under the impression that cathedrals can only really attain value in my mind when they're centuries old. The National Cathedral corrected the error in my judgment.

Walking up the path to the cathedral was moving. It doesn't take the pope to realize how incredibly glorious religious buildings can be. You feel minuscule as you approach and as you enter, realizing, even as the nonreligious person I am, that God is greater. In entering I was blown away by how incredibly large the interior is. You're pretty much enveloped in the eerie but reassuring quiet which seems to permeate the building. And I'm not even joking.

One of my favorite aspects of the National Cathedral is the vividly colored stained glass. The almost neon glass depictions are hard to look at for long in some areas, a different step from the cathedrals of old England. However, in the way of those ancient cathedrals, I was happy to hear that everything was built from hand, adding a great deal of authenticity in my book. definitely cannot wait to go back and do more exploring. Cathedrals are some of the few places where you can simply wander around for hours, never knowing what you can stumble upon. In this case, the Darth Vader gargoyle is one. I hope to go back soon and explore the perimeter of the area more, the gardens were beautiful and need more time.

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