Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween weekend...

The conversation in class on Friday was a little disappointing. I understand that providing constructive criticism about the university is important but there was a line that was crossed. We all had our dream schools; however we all ended up here. Yes, there are improvements that this university can make, but the Ivy Leagues of American also have faults. Honestly, we all are going to come out with a great education and I think that from now on we should embrace American in a more positive light.
On a happier note, this weekend was Halloween!!! Visiting the embassies was a lot of fun. I enjoyed walking around and seeing them. On Friday night, I was sick, so I decided to stay in and I watched The silence of the lambs. Talk about identity issues…the serial killer in the movie killed women and then dressed up as one. He suffered from not knowing who he was. I guess the question at the end of the movie was if being a serial killer was a front or if it was who he really was. As I was watching, I thought it was funny, that the idea of identity popped in my head during what was a non-school related activity. It is true that identity, fronts, and performances are everywhere. I hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!!!!

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