Saturday, November 14, 2009

reflection 11/14

Wow, I know I have probably said this about fifteen times, but I cannot believe how quickly time is passing here! Anyway, this week, our visit to Arlington was a very interesting experience for me. When I heard that we were going to visit the cemetery, I had mixed feelings. I think that Arlington is a very interesting and unique place. I have visited several times because my grandmother was buried there when I was very young, but my hesitation about visiting did not come from this. Unfortunately, this trip was the first one that I have made to Arlington since my grandfather's funeral at Arlington last march. Needless to say, it was a slightly strange experience. This was the first time I saw his headstone up, and for some reason, something about that really hit me. It definitely made his death more concrete and was a pretty strange experience.
Despite this, I think Arlington is a very interesting place to visit. Of course the attractions like the tomb of the unknown soldier and JFK's burial site are always cool to see, but for me, the most moving part of the entire experience is looking out at all the headstones. Looking out across the headstones, especially in the areas where they are all aligned and homogeneous is crazy. It is hard to think that so many people have died after taking some part protecting and serving our country. It was also upsetting to see the headstones from some of the more recent burials. While making the trek to my grandfather's grave, I walked through some other headstone and I noticed some of the dates on them. Some of them had birth dates from 1987 or 1986. Seeing these headstones was one of the most upsetting experience of the entire visit. It was very disturbing for me to think about the fact that people who are only a few years older than me have lost their lives in such a brave and honorable way. I am very glad that there is a day to honor these people because I think that it is definitely deserved.

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