Monday, November 23, 2009

Reflection 2.23.2009

Our lab this week, involved going to the National Museum of the American Indian. Honestly, it was a lot different than I expected. I expected this museum full of the same old artifacts and for it to be a relatively boring trip. While it was not my favorite trip thus far, it was far from boring. It was set up in such a way that it tied in the past and the present. I really enjoyed the modern take of tradition aspects of the Native American symbols such as a totem pole. The totem pole was built out of golf bags, which I thought was so good, I enjoyed that exhibit more than the traditional artifacts. As I was waiting for the time at the museum to finish, I went, along with other people from explorations, into one of the theaters that was playing a movie. It was about a boy, trying to understand the traditional ways that his parents wanted him to respect, while he struggled with the outside world. It was an interesting presentation, that I'm sure for some people is very realistic. The entire museum was different - in a good way. I just wonder what actual Native Americans think of the museum. Personally, I think it provides a good representation, but I'm technically an outsider looking in....what do they think?
This weekend I went to go see the newest movie in the Twilight series called New Moon. First as a girl, I just have to say that it was amazing! I love the movie, but its funny to see people in the theater screaming over the characters such as Edward, Bella, and Jacob. When an intense part comes the crowd is responding at the edge of their seat, waiting for the next twist in the plot. The audience in completely engaged in what is going in the movie. In a normal movie, people just sit back and watch, but people actually used energy to engage themselves in this movie. After this movie, I was thinking about, what makes something a trend. Why is something so popular? What makes Twilight so popular? Is it because Jacob and Edward are very attractive characters on screen or does it simply hold the classic fairytale perspective that people are always trying to live. Is it an ideal world? For me personally, a world full of vampires, is not ideal, but maybe it is for others. It is just interesting to see this world wide obsession, yet no one knows exactly - "why" it is so popular.
On another note, I'm so excited for Thanksgiving. I cannot wait for the turkey and family. I have missed home more than I thought. Sadly, I am not going home, but I am spending Thanksgiving at my uncle's house in DC with my mother's family. I cannot believe the semester is almost over!!! I hope everyone has a good break and a safe trip wherever they are going!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

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