Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Response on Military

For any sort of community to survive, it needs a mechanism of defense against harm. Whether it is an army defending a country, or a police force defending a neighborhood, it would be difficult for a community to thrive if it had no way to prevent damage. A community may have a strong structure, it members completely united in purpose, and its powers to complete that purpose strong, but if it is unable to defend itself against any form of attack, it will quickly find itself destroyed.
Think of a person holding a weapon: a knight with a sword, a man with a gun, or even a jedi with a light saber. They are a united body (quite literally in this metaphor) with a single purpose, and a power to enforce that purpose. But if they don't have armor or bullet proof vests, they have little chance of survival in combat. A strongly-united community is much the same if they do not have a means of defense.
A country without a military would come to a similar fate. It has a government, a set of laws, a culture, and a people, but if there is no military, than another country can sweep in at any time they wish to destroy it.
That said, a military is not the only single thing that guarantees the survival of a community. It needs a strong structure and citizens dedicated to maintaining it. Without these, there would be no community to defend. If the citizens are unsatisfied with their community, there is no need to have a military to defend the community. It is interesting to note that many of the famous revolutions of history involve a dissolution and later reorganization of their country's military, including the French and Russian. Military and society are tied together- if one falls, so will the other.


  1. about Costa Rica? They have no military force, and yet they are a community and a state? Or how about Liechtenstein?
