Sunday, October 11, 2009

10.11.09 Reflection

Turning nineteen is not an age to really celebrate for. It's not ten, not sixteen, not eighteen, not twenty one. However, I do feel kind of old. It's an odd feeling. Birthdays never really meant too much to me. For me it's only another day. But for others it's quite the opposite. It's a day to celebrate, to have fun with friends. Regardless of one's opinion of birthdays, I was inevitably affected by this last one.

It's strange to step back and realize how time flies. Because it certainly does. Graduating was perhaps the first time I truly realized that I was actually growing up. I'm nineteen. A year away from twenty! What the heck.

It's alright though. I've always waited for the time when I can make decisions for myself, like I've started already. And it's a liberating feeling.

On a completely different note, get ready. The band Beardstache is coming. The masterminds Bradford Parker, Homer Wolman, and Andrew Williamson are brainstorming as they prepare to become the definition of music in the twenty first century. Brace yourself for tracks such as "Water Bearding," "Forty Staches," "100 Meter-stache" and "Shoot Dude, Flush the Stache." They will blow your mind, as well as your beard like a gentle zephyr would. You will know as soon as recording is complete. And you will hear. And your beards willl shake. And quiver. And rumble. By Merlin's beard the world will never be the same.


  1. When do we get to see you guys perform?

  2. dude, having just turned 19, i totally agree with you. it's one of those weird middle ages that doesnt allow for anything particularly awesome but makes you feel as if you're another year older and that odd feeling that time actually is passing by... its like slipping out of youth
