Saturday, October 24, 2009

Parents Weekend- a front??? (I know this sounds cheesy, just bear with me)

As I sat down with my friends at TDR last night, I noticed something unusual- The food there was not bland. The pasta and risotto served was actually pretty good. I thought it was one of those days where the TDR cooks do a good job, but then I noticed a few new diners in the cafeteria with us- parents.
Parent's weekend, this weekend, seems like a week of leisure activities for students to spend time with their families, some of whom they have not seen in months. But if one looks at the schedule of events planned for this weekend for our visiting families, it seems like a repeat of the events planned for parents during orientation. The University seems to want to further reassure Eagle parents in their kid's choice of school. As my friend Annie said, "No, really, you made a good choice, just keep paying the bills".
Such an attempt to console our parents takes on further importance when one considers the scandals of previous heads of the University. The school wants to let our parents know that their kid's school has improved from previous years, and that they do not have to worry about further scandal. Possibly, they may want to encourage future endowments.
This years parent's weekend is an excellent example of a group front. Whether or not the school rises to make this front the truth, we will soon see.

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