Saturday, October 17, 2009

10.17.09 reflection

Recently, I have been considering what exactly it is I want to get out off college. The purpose of college, which has been forced down our throats for as long as we can remember, is pretty much to get a good job come graduation. We are supposed to pick a major and, in doing so, help shape the path our lives will take. Well, the problem for me is that I have absolutely no idea what I want to do with my life. I have considered many options- currently I'm an SIS major so potential government jobs, but also I have considered teaching, psychology/psychiatry, crime and justice, journalism, creative writing and music, and even farming. I just do not know what I want to do. As a result I feel guilty. I feel like I am simply wasting my parents' money pursuing a degree that I may not even want.

College is recognized as a time to explore options, to take a variety of classes to figure out exactly what it is you want to do. The problem for me, however, is that I don't really believe in that philosophy. If I (or, my parents at least) am going to be spending a great amount of time and money on an education, I want to know exactly what it is I want to study, what I want to do for the rest of my life. I want to use college to further my passions to enable me to become the most successful I can be in my area. Until I find that passion, I can't take all my classes seriously. Like in high school, I am tired of doing assignments and papers on topics I care nothing about. That needs to change.

In my nineteen years of existence, I've known nothing but education and school, and I'm a little tired about that. I want to travel, to explore, to learn through experience and hands on application versus through books. I want to live, and until I find a passion for myself I can never be fulfilled in college.

1 comment:

  1. Just letting you know that you're not alone. I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I have considered many majors and am still considering them to date. It is a confusing time but one we must embrace because I believe that what Mary Hansen said is true ... college is for finding out what we don't like to study as well. You've obviously discovered things which you don't like which is good! ... at least you found out in your first semester here. So now you can try new things next year. The way I'm approaching it is that it's only our first semester. We have years to experiment and discover what we really like to study.

    Hang in there ... you'll find your passion soon =)
