Sidenote, Obama = Nobel Peace Prize....?
Also, finding v. creating yourself.... it is necessary to do both. We have already taken the MBTI tests, and therefore know that some people are just more inclined to certain ways of thinking than others. That being said, you're not going to get anywhere if you stick to your MBTI results and never try new things, or take a challenge. There is no fight between these two schools of thought. They need to work harmoniously to actually be of consequence.
Overall, I just really need to stop hearing people giving me orders. It's killing me.
Apart from that.... I would just like to get through mid terms right now please and not think about major requirements and life long decisions. One day at a time. (and I'm such a hypocrite because I'm the worst when it comes to wanting to be prepared for what's ahead of me. But I try to just take it slow and accept that the only thing I can do to prepare for tomorrow is tackle what is in front me right now)
Excited for the Dalai Lama? =]
I don't necessarily agree with you that these speakers are telling us how to live our lives. Since we are in Explorations, some of us have no clue what they want to do with their lives while others, such as myself, may have an idea of what general area of study but other than that are completely clueless. I think that the speakers are coming in rather to help us who are completely clueless and to make us realize that it's totally fine if we don't know what we want to do with our lives (although I do think that point has been reiterated way way too many times). They're not here to give us concrete rules that we should follow their example exactly. I think that the point of having these speakers is to show how many different careers can develop from trying out all different courses. This idea reminds me of a quote from Invisible Man that I really liked and thinks applies to us explorers-"But my world has become one of infinite possibilities. What a phrase- still it's a good phrase and a good view of life, and a man shouldn't accept any other."