Thursday, October 15, 2009

Nothing like being home

I'm home! It's wonderful! My doggies have grown! I ate steak!! (Keara be jealous) It is lovely. The beginning of this week was not so...with all my midtermy things I had to do, I felt kind of bad because I was pretty anti-social for a while in that I spent all my time in the library trying to conquer my work. That way I could come home and have a nice relaxing weekend with my friends and family.
On that note, I think I will address balancing in this post. I manage my work well I think...yes in my head I stress myself out...but not even about things that are due tomorrow or even in a weeks time from now. I worry bout graduating on time, I worry about getting all my requirements done. I worry about the long term things. Things that are completely out of my control. And I think that's why they worry me - because I have no control over them, not yet at least. I don't think people realize what a stress ball I am because it's not on a daily level - it's on a much larger level. I've always been like that, but now at least I know well enough how to cope with my compulsive need to be in control on a long term scale.
Does anyone else have those profound moments? I think everyone here does - I think us explorers are all quite introspective and that's awesome. But why are we so? Why can't we just be? Just exist?
I think I'm trying to be all deep and meaningful right now and it's not working but bare with me because I'm free writing and refuse to stop. Because free writes are ultimately my way of venting and just being in the moment - something I obviously have already stated I'm not amazing at. I'm always thinking through the next couple of steps - always planning for monday and what I'm going to do when I get back to AU...when I'm going to do assignments that aren't even due until next week. I'm a little crazy, I know.

I'm reflecting on myself because that was the most prominent thing in my life this week.
Have a wonderful long weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I, too, have a desire to control things which causes me to worry all too frequently. Do you make an unnecessary amount of lists? I do and I have found that a ton of people do that here as well, which makes me feel more normal I guess in that I am not the only compulsive "to do list" maker. On another note, I am extremely jealous that you are home. I miss my family so much :(. Hopefully Thanksgiving comes fast!
