Sunday, October 25, 2009


Last week when we were informed that the President of American University was coming to speak to us, I expected to sit through a very boring presentation about the mission statement of American University. However, when President Neil Kerwin did come to our class on Explorations it was just the opposite. I enjoyed listening to him speak so much. He was extremely personable and did not lecture us on American University. While he did talk about the University's future he spoke with us in a connecting way. He talked about his life and how he came from a small town. He is not at all what I expected. I expected a guy with a privileged life, who was basically destined for the job from birth. It was nice to hear about his college experience and to know that he worked hard toward his goal. He also spoke about his plans to improve American. He only spent a short time speaking about this, because he had to speak to Alumni, sadly we did not get to ask him as many questions as we would of wanted. I think he should come back! It was interesting to learn after he left that the school does not have a lot of Alumni support. Its something that I did not know and I did not think that a school could possibly survive off of basically tuition alone.
This weekend was Parents Weekend also. My parents did come up, however we only did one campus activity. My dad dragged me to the Gospel Choir performance and it was so good. Honestly I had no idea that they were any good and it was nice to see a different side of American University. It was a very enjoyable weekend!

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